Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Overcoming The Question Can You Explain Your Comp Plan

Network Marketing Tip – Overcoming The Question Can You Explain Your Comp Plan

Overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan is easy when you break it down to its simplest form.  Don’t get all caught up in all theOvercoming-The-Question-Can-You-Explain-Your-Comp-Plan
ways your comp plan pays out.  It gets way too confusing for your prospect hearing if for the first time.
Make it super simple.  You can say this…
”Our comp plan pays out (5, 7 use whatever is correct for your company) different ways but for now I’m going to go over two of the easiest ways to earn an income right away. The first way is to offer the product/service to your contacts and the second is to share with others that can offer this product/service directly to their contacts. When you become part of the team today we can schedule a time over the next few days/week for you to learn more about the other ways the comp plan pays us.”
Just like when you started at your current area of employment you didn’t know all the responsibilities you had, it took time.  We’ll go over all the details as your business starts to grow.  In fact, it took me some time to really understand all the ways we get paid with the comp plan.”
“I can assure you that you’ll be just as excited as me once you discover how the comp plan will impact your financial future in the weeks to come.”
When you take this position of overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan in this form your prospect won’t ever get confused.  Confusion creates hesitation and the objection that they have to “think about it” creeps into the decision process.  That forces your prospect to walk away instead of getting started with you.
Another great approach I use all the time when overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan is to say…
I knew you would be excited about how to earn huge income with this comp plan.  Based on what you saw about the comp plan so far, what interested you most since there are ______ ways to earn big income with the comp plan?”    Then let them tell you what they liked best and focus on that to get your prospect started.
These tips on overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan will assist you in enrolling more team members and when you duplicate this among your team your closing ratio will skyrocket.
If for whatever reason your prospect pushes to know more and you don’t feel comfortable explaining all the ways your comp plan pays out then be truthful and say
“Honestly, I can’t effectively share all the minuet details so I will get my support team who has been with the company a lot longer than me on the line now and they can answer your questions.”
“Before I call, based on what you’ve seen so far about the comp plan and knowing there are ____ different ways to earn money, do you see yourself getting started with our program once you learn more about all the ways the comp plan pays out because I don’t want to get my support team on the phone to waste their time if you’re not serious.”
This will create a strong posture that this is the deciding moment now that your prospect is focusing in on how they will earn money with the comp plan and will allow your support team to assist you in enrolling your new team member.

Watch this video on overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan:

This network marketing tip about overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan will increase your business month over month if fully implement it. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan with your entire team.
Ed Zimbardi

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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