Network Marketing Tip – Invest In Yourself
Over 20+ years ago my mentor said three words that has been a huge impact on my life both personally and professionally, they were “Invest in Yourself”. What I’ve learned over two plus decades is that there are many different ways to invest in yourself. I’m going to outline ways that I have invested in myself.
Before I do, I have to tell you that there is one major obstacle that usually stands in the way from making a decision to invest in yourself. That is FEAR.
I’m sure you’ve stood frozen in the past from investing in yourself because you thought the amount of the investment was too much. I get that but what you should be basing your decision on is when you obtain this new information, when applied properly, can it give you a return for your investment.
Just one nugget can improve your business or your life and take you to the next level. When applied over time, used over and over, year after year, the amount of return on investment far outweighs the actual dollar investment. That is what you should focus on and when you do the decision to invest in yourself becomes so simple.
Here are the some of the ways I have invested in myself and you should be investing in yourself to grow personally and professionally:
All forms of digital products and physical books that support the growth of you personally and your business. They may include eBooks, audio, video material, webinars, online course material.
You should be attending live events, classes and training sessions.
You should be part of at least one mastermind group. Two would be great if you have the time, one for your business and one that is for personal development.
Hiring a mentor/coach to work with you in a group setting or one on one for both your business and for personal peak performance is key as well.
There is a lot of good information out there. Weigh the value of the content being offered to the investment dollars and ask yourself if you were to apply one major nugget of information being taught will you receive a ROI (Return On Investment) in the short term or long term. Then look at your budget to make it work. I have to warn you though, if you don’t stretch yourself to get out of your comfort zone by making the financial investment sting a little you might not apply the info with urgency thus not get the ROI you originally expected. A collection of clearanced training materials may look good on the shelf but that is not your goal.
Treat each decision to invest in yourself as if it were the last money you had and you have to get out of it more than the dollars put into it. It will cause you to pay attention at a higher level and make sure you go through all the material not once, but many times.
I get really excited about this topic because I love seeing the transformation people go through. At first fear consumes them and hinders them from making the decision to invest in themselve. Then after they push through their fear to making the decision to just do it. Ultimately their take action decision transforms their mindset and business by applying the new information. This is where breakthroughs happen and it’s very exciting.
Let me encourage you to take steps each month to budget in some sort of dollar amount to invest in yourself. Buy a book, read it, buy another. Get involved in a mastermind group and hire a business or personal coach. Stay active by making a decision to invest in yourself as often as you can. Stretch and you’ll grow. Continue to train so you can be the best person you can be. I found that when I stopped training I was not as sharp in my decisions and because I was not running in the game I fell behind. That is never good. You don’t need to make that mistake. Training should be part of your life for the rest of your life.
Are you looking for help in your business or with personal development, send me an email or call me at 678-794-0002 and I’ll do whatever I can to assist you.
Watch this video on why you should invest in yourself:
This network marketing tip about why you should invest in yourself will increase your business month over month if fully understand this industry. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
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