Network Marketing Tip: Is Network Marketing For Real
Is Network Marketing for Real? That is a common question not only from a prospect looking at the industry for the first time. This question can also come out of doubt from someone who has had some experience but at the same level of success as those around him. So is Networking Marketing for Real?
Without hesitation the answer is YES. Here’s some facts to back up the question is network marketing for real. Last year the industry of network marketing (sometimes called MLM, Multi-Level Marketing or Direct Sales) created around the world 167 billion in revenue. The top 21 counties each generated over 1 billion in sales annually.
Inside the United States, one-third of the adults (equal between 80-90 million people) purchased some sort of network marketing product or service from an independent distributor in the last 6 months. These companies are for real and as strong as any other big box company, there are several financially strong network marketing companies that are traded on the stock market. That sounds real to me!
Why are you asking the question is Network Marketing for Real? The bigger question is your job for real and will it be the financial plan to get you where you want to go in life? Every year, the direct sales industry produces more millionaires than any other. Is network marketing for real, I would say yes!
When I was in my early twenties personal development was new to me. The first company event I attended Les Brown was the keynote speaker. He changed my life that day. He talked about personal development and the fact you have to work harder on yourself than you work on your business. You have to prepare yourself to make it past all the no’s people will give you. Those negative reactions will come from those close to you because you are in a network marketing business. You will have to be strong and hold your ground in order to make it.
Is network marketing for real and are you giving yourself a real shot to be successful? I don’t know. You need to have a game plan. To stay in the game and make it past your first few years you must adapt strategies such as the 1/96th of a day principle. There are 96, 15 minute increments in a day. Take one of those 15 minute increments and schedule time to listen to, watch or read some type of personal development material to prepare yourself mentally. Try this for 30 days Your business will become real to you and your belief will be unshakable.
When your dream gets so big it keeps you up at night and you know in your heart of hearts that it’s because of how excited you are about your future. How real is that? Would you like to experience something that real? It in this business called network marketing. My experience in network marketing brought me to personal development. That live changing process and finding a mentor launched me forever a supporter of this industry. Without the right leaders I might have quit and given up, but thankfully I have a success story to tell and I am honored when I get to work with others to train them how I have been trained to succeed.
YOU deserve greatness and this industry provides you the pathway to just that! When you come across the question is network marketing for real you’ll be so fired up and excited that yes will be all over your face before it comes out of your mouth.
Watch this video about Is Network Marketing Real:
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“Training Business Owners To Attract More Prospects – Close More Deals & Live The Life Of Their Dreams!”
P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.
P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.
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