Network Marketing Tip: How To Create A Successful Road Map
If your current job or source of income is not providing you the lifestyle you always dreamed of then here’s a tip on how to create a successful road map by either starting something new or changing your current course of action. When you know the reason “why” you want to earn a certain amount of money in 60 months and the lifestyle you want to live it becomes a driving force to keep you on task. Start with the end in mind.
When you start with the end in mind you are able create the road map backwards. This is key. For longevity in your plan create a 5 year. 60 month, road map. Let’s say you want to achieve your ultimate goal of a certain amount of income each year so you can live a certain lifestyle. Take that amount desired and break it down by the month. Once you have your daily income number per month look at what it would take to achieve that over the next 60 months. Is that the amount needed? Adjust the amount to be what your income needs to be.
It’s easy to learn how to create a successful road map when you break it down to what you need to do each day. That becomes your road map. Creating a daily amount keeps it in perspective and makes it easier to obtain in your mind. So go back to the monthly amount and break the dollar amount you need by week and once more to calculate your financial need per day. Now that you have your daily amount, steps need to be taken each day to stay on your road map to success..
Now what to do? Schedule what needs to be done and create the discipline to get it done without allowing any of the distractions to get in your way no matter what. Make the commitment to yourself to not go to sleep until you complete the tasks. Skip a meal if you have to in order to get it done. You won’t die if you miss a meal but your future could end up miserable if you don’t take the daily steps on your new road map to achieve your income goals.
Look, the future is where are you going to live the rest of your life how you live it is determined by what you do today, tomorrow, next week and next month. Why would you allow anything to stand in your way?
Distractions can take you off your path. Issues that come up, lack of focus and ultimate failure is inevitable if you jump off your road map. Discipline is a key to execute your new road map. Hiring a coach to hold you accountable is another critical key to make sure you stay on the path to your road map.
Today can be the first day of the rest of your life if you make a commitment to yourself to not allow anyone to steal your dream. Don’t allow anyone to knock you off your path. Remove the nay-sayers from your life by limiting access to them that is if they are family members so that you can focus on your new road map. If they are not family consider not associating with them at all. Without change, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always had because you weren’t willing to develop the disciple to have what you always wanted.
It’s your choice, what will you do to create a new road map and stick with it for the next 60 months?
Watch this video on How To Create A Successful Road Map:
This network marketing tip on how to create a successful road map will increase your business month over month if applied correctly. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
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