Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Network Marketing Success Starts With You

Network Marketing Tip – Network Marketing Success Starts With You

You might have heard this before but if you haven’t it’s critical to have the right mindset because network marketing success starts with you.  You wereNetwork-Marketing-Success-Starts-With-You probably attracted to the industry because of seeing and hearing about other’s success or maybe it was the product or service.  That’s cool and those are common reasons. To earn a full time income and live the life of your dreams is very possible but the reality is that it’s going to take a lot of dedication and discipline. You do have it inside you.
Here’s a helpful tip, network marketing success starts with you.  No one is going to build your business for you.  Which simply means you must create daily discipline and dedication to work on yourself more than your business when you get started. Finding out about who you are is part of the process in obtaining all types of success.
When you are mentally prepared for the ups and downs of the business (which will be the case over your career) then you can set a strong foundation to build your business for the long term. Take your business seriously, don’t think that it only cost you a few hundred dollars — treat it like you’ve invested millions the cost of many franchise and start up businesses. With that mindset you can’t afford failure.
Another reason network marketing success starts with you is because the life blood of your business is based on building relationships. You will need to care about your relationships. Developing relationship skills, learning how to concentrate on listening to others needs, wants, pains and desires over what you want out of life will enable you to attract more prospects to grow your business.
You will need to work on your attitude. No one wants to be around a negative person.  When you invest in your own personal development your minds expands and then it will desire more and more information to grow.  Feed your mind with positive, motivational and inspirational material.  This causes you to have better quality conversations when you are developing new relationships. This will only help to attract people; they will want to learn more about what you do.
In fact, if you spent more time on developing yourself when you first enroll with your MLM business before you start telling those close to you, they will see a positive change in you and want to know more about what you are doing.  That’s when attraction marketing starts to kick in.
Network marketing success starts with you, not your upline, side line, cross line or down line.  You will become an instant leader the more you work on yourself as it will show up to those in your company.  The money part of the business will come when you first focus on your own development.
None of us are too old or young to be constantly learning.  Invest small amounts of time daily to develop your mind.  You’ll know when this action is making an impact on your life when family and friends around you start to make positive comments about the change they see in you.
MLM (sometimes called Direct Sales or Multi-Level Marketing) is the best industry in the world that allows anyone to get started with a team that will assist each another to reach their personal and financial goals.  Keep in mind that network marketing success starts with you and no one else.  Make it happen, I believe in you!

Watch this video Network Marketing Success Starts With You:

This tip on network marketing success starts with you is another strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this tip on network marketing success starts with you with your prospects  entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

#networkmarketing #mlm #networkmarketingtips #mlmtips #multi-levelmarketing

Friday, July 24, 2015

How To Use The Drip Follow Up Process

Network Marketing Tip – How To Use The Drip Follow Up Process

When it comes to following up with your prospects after you’ve shown them the business 1, 2, 3 or more months agoHow-To-Use-The-Drip-Follow-Up-Process learning how to use the drip follow up process will help you enroll more team members.
Think about how many presentations have been given by you and your team members in any one month period of time.  A lot, right!  If only 20-30% of those were enrolling then every month that goes by there are a lot of prospects that returned to their same life and habits each and every day. Maybe they are in a difference space. Maybe you thought of something you should have said differently or left out information that you did not know. There is a way to re-approach them – it’s called the Drip Follow Up Process. Dripping is the process of providing information on what is going on with your business in a non threatening and non “sales pitch” manner. Think of it as positive conversation.
This is how to use the drip follow up process to those prospects that said no, not now or even flat out no.  Create a 90 day system where you drip on your prospect with lots of information about what’s going on with your business.  The information includes but not limited to:
Information about your progress like when you added a new team member, just received a bonus check, went to a life-changing event or received some sort of recognition. If you won an incentive trip, share your success story with them and how you’ve been thinking about them and wanted to know how they are doing while you keep them up to date on what you’re doing. The drip can even be something about someone else that inspired you in some way so share a testimonial about that person in your company or on your team especially if the background of the person is similar to your prospects. 
You see sometimes your prospect is saying no because they want to see how you do first, not just about your success but how seriously committed you are to your new business.  When you learn how to use the drip follow up process, small bits of information about the industry, company awards, positive changes, new products and leadership shows that you are connected with a company that is moving and shaking. This causes your prospect to have you on their mind when things aren’t going as well as they had planned for their own situation.  You’ll be the first the reach out to. You have the solution. 
This business of Networking Marketing is amazing and if you will make a difference in areas you did not expect, it is not just about the product or service. It is also about you having experiences, hopes, dreams and growing to be a better person so that you can have the life you dreamed. All these unexpected rewards of the business along with the financial rewards come at different times or different people. But they these do manifest.
How to use the drip follow up process effectively is by being consistent with providing information and updates in all areas of your life and business.  Your growing positive lifestyle naturally enables you to moving many of your prospects that had no interest initially closer to saying a yes they want to enroll.
If this is something that is your style you could send your prospect a hand written thank you note for their time after they said no to your presentation will stick with them a long time. Less effective is an email or a text but you certainly can do that as well.  If you learn how to use the drip follow up process and teach it to your team members this follow up process imagine how many prospects can be turned around to take a second look at your business then your team will grow even more quickly. The drip process can radically increase your business so go back as far as you can no matter how long you’ve been in the business and begin dripping on those older prospects by reaching out to them.
You can start today by this drip follow up process by text, email, phone and by snail mail. If you don’t have their address to snail mail contact them to get their address and let them know you want to mail them something special even if it’s that thank you note initially. Later you may come across some type of company information, a small trinket from a trip you took or even a picture of you walking across stage to send them.

Watch this video on how to use the drip follow up process:

This network marketing tip on how to use the drip follow up process will increase your business month over month if fully implemented. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip on how to use the drip follow up process with your entire team.

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

#networkmarketing #networkmarketingtips #mlm #mlmtips #networkmarketingtraining #mlmtraining

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Role Play With Your Up Line

Network Marketing Tip – Role Play With Your Up Line

This is an extremely important tip — you should role play with your up line or sponsor prior to talking to the very first prospect on your list.  It canRole-Play-With-Your-Up-Line make or break your initial top 10 contacts deciding to join with you in your business.
When you role play with your up line or sponsor you’ll get great insight as to the approach to take with your prospects.  Consider if you were to run a 50 million dollar company, who are the top 10 people you personally know that you’d want to be on your Board of Directors.
In no way am I saying you are not capable to talk with someone you already have an open communication with but this is a teachable and training moment. Right? You are teachable and trainable, right? You don’t know what you don’t know.
You should be thinking about Why you got involved. It may change as you understand yourself better. If you need help with putting your Why into a short to the point script that is where you upline or sponsor, can assist you.  Once you feel good about your story, the reason “Why” you saw an opportunity with the business and how it will impact your life going forward you will need to learn how to speak your Why in a short conversation with your prospect. Role playing will be critical.
Don’t contact anyone on your list until you have this initial approach nailed down.  It’s about building confidence and explaining something new or different in a way others can understand. Think of yourself as an actor or actress and how they have to practice role playing over and over until it’s time to perform on stage. This process is exactly the same except this is not a pretend life story this is your life it will be your future and where you will live. You should have the same mindset as a trained professional is getting the story exactly right.  Having this type of preparedness portrays that you are serious about your business.
When you role play with your up line or sponsor imagine yourself on stage.  Put yourself into character, change your tonality, remain calm, confident, you voice should fluctuate at different points during your quick invite to convey interest.  What you have to say is exciting isn’t it? When contacting your prospects you want to impact them in a way that you create urgency and curiosity so they will make the time for you to show them what you want to share with them.  This approach will dramatically increase  your show up rate to see your presentation.
Knowing your invite script is one of the big keys to master.  Invest your time in front of the mirror each day if your sponsor is not close to you and say your invite script over and over until it comes out naturally. The quicker you get your reason “Why” you are building this business down almost to the point where it makes you cry, then it will attract your prospects to want to know more about what you are doing.
You may not know this but Michael Jordan practiced more on his game off the court than almost anyone in basketball and the proof showed in his game.  This is game time for you so role play with your up line and get serious about your prospecting, contacting  and  inviting so that your show up rate increases and your team grows.
Duplicate this process of role playing with every new team member and watch the results. 
You can do this, I believe in you!

Watch this video role play with your up line:

This network marketing tip role play with your up line will increase your business month over month if fully implemented. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip role play with your up line with your entire team.
Ed Zimbardi

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Overcoming The Objection I Am Not A Salesperson

Network Marketing Tip – Overcoming The Objection I Am Not A Salesperson

Here’s a helpful tip on overcoming the objection I am not a sales person that will increase your closing ratio immediately and it involves a few key components that I’ll address.

First part of this tip is to turn their objection around by explaining that in fact we are all salespersons.  Here’s why.  If they have ever had any type of relationship at one point in time that person was a stranger.  They had to “sell” themselves in order to get the other person to believe that they were the one for them to take their relationship from being a stranger to something more.

Another example, ask your prospect if there was ever anytime in their life when they really wanted something. A job, a promotion, a raise are great examples. They had to present their point of view as to why they should have what they wanted. Ultimately someone else who held the key to what they wanted ended up saying yes or no.  Your prospect will always answer that question with a YES!

That classifies them as a salesperson.

Another way of overcoming the objection I am not a salesperson is to explain how you are sharing your business and not wanting to convince anyone who is happy with their job, schedule and retirement plans.  That for you this opportunity provided a way to add money, freedom and long term residual income.  You can them point out all the major benefits that you saw that got you really excited and wanted to tell others about it.  Sure, the end result could result in “a sale” either with your prospect ordering the product or getting involved with the business but that doesn’t make you a salesperson.
You can also point out this fact  - why is it when someone wants to buy something that the person offering it is not a sales person but when something new is offered then you become a sales person. Whether the buyer realizes or not they were sold somewhere along the way, example, buying only foreign or American cars, buying a certain brand, etc.

Overcoming the objection I am not a salesperson is easily handled when you present the difference between sharing something you believe in instead of selling something you have to which a sales rep has to do to earn income.
Be strong and bold when taking this type of stand and your belief in what you are presenting will come across as sharing rather than selling every time.  This will work almost every time when overcoming the objection I am not a salesperson just apply it.

Just go back and think about your life and how many times you really wanted something and had to sell yourself to whomever in order to get what you wanted.  It was many times.  That is how you developed your first sales skills as a young person, like getting that new bike, video game or extra dessert.  Keep that in mind and have it be a trigger the next time you are put in a situation when you are overcoming the objection I am not a salesperson from your prospect.

You’ll be amazed at the results.  Role play and practice with your team members until it become a natural way of presenting it every time you are overcoming the objection I am not a salesperson.

Watch this video on overcoming the objection I am not a sales person:

This network marketing tip about overcoming the objection I am not a sales person will increase your business month over month if fully implemented. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.

Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip overcoming the objection I am not a sales person with your entire team.

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Overcoming The Question Can You Explain Your Comp Plan

Network Marketing Tip – Overcoming The Question Can You Explain Your Comp Plan

Overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan is easy when you break it down to its simplest form.  Don’t get all caught up in all theOvercoming-The-Question-Can-You-Explain-Your-Comp-Plan
ways your comp plan pays out.  It gets way too confusing for your prospect hearing if for the first time.
Make it super simple.  You can say this…
”Our comp plan pays out (5, 7 use whatever is correct for your company) different ways but for now I’m going to go over two of the easiest ways to earn an income right away. The first way is to offer the product/service to your contacts and the second is to share with others that can offer this product/service directly to their contacts. When you become part of the team today we can schedule a time over the next few days/week for you to learn more about the other ways the comp plan pays us.”
Just like when you started at your current area of employment you didn’t know all the responsibilities you had, it took time.  We’ll go over all the details as your business starts to grow.  In fact, it took me some time to really understand all the ways we get paid with the comp plan.”
“I can assure you that you’ll be just as excited as me once you discover how the comp plan will impact your financial future in the weeks to come.”
When you take this position of overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan in this form your prospect won’t ever get confused.  Confusion creates hesitation and the objection that they have to “think about it” creeps into the decision process.  That forces your prospect to walk away instead of getting started with you.
Another great approach I use all the time when overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan is to say…
I knew you would be excited about how to earn huge income with this comp plan.  Based on what you saw about the comp plan so far, what interested you most since there are ______ ways to earn big income with the comp plan?”    Then let them tell you what they liked best and focus on that to get your prospect started.
These tips on overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan will assist you in enrolling more team members and when you duplicate this among your team your closing ratio will skyrocket.
If for whatever reason your prospect pushes to know more and you don’t feel comfortable explaining all the ways your comp plan pays out then be truthful and say
“Honestly, I can’t effectively share all the minuet details so I will get my support team who has been with the company a lot longer than me on the line now and they can answer your questions.”
“Before I call, based on what you’ve seen so far about the comp plan and knowing there are ____ different ways to earn money, do you see yourself getting started with our program once you learn more about all the ways the comp plan pays out because I don’t want to get my support team on the phone to waste their time if you’re not serious.”
This will create a strong posture that this is the deciding moment now that your prospect is focusing in on how they will earn money with the comp plan and will allow your support team to assist you in enrolling your new team member.

Watch this video on overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan:

This network marketing tip about overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan will increase your business month over month if fully implement it. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this network marketing tip overcoming the question can you explain your comp plan with your entire team.
Ed Zimbardi

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.