Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Overcome The Fear Of Prospecting

Network Marketing Tip – Overcome The Fear Of Prospecting

There is a big difference between prospecting for your network marketing business and reaching out to people on your contact list.  Someone on your contact list is someone you are already know.  Someone who is your prospect is someone you don’t know yet.  Most people can’t overcome the fear of prospecting and this could lead their business to failure; They may even say that Network Marketing (also called Direct Sales and MLM)  didn’t work for them.  The truth is, if you can overcome the fear of prospecting you will succeed. Here is a tip, change the way you look at prospecting – look at it this way…
I’ve never heard of anyone ever breaking an arm or leg let alone a finger when they opened their mouth and started a friendly conversation. Starting a friendly conversation is the beginning of prospecting.  To me, prospecting is opening up a new relationship by engaging in a friendly conversation and getting to know the other person. You don’t even know if they are someone you would want on your team if you don’t start communicating with them. Using this approach you also don’t feel vulnerable and get your feelings hurt by thinking they rejected you in some way. Don’t put so much on a simple friendly conversation.
When you have the mindset that all you are doing is going about your day, just having conversations with new people as well as those on your contact list, the anxiety goes away. All you are doing is making a friend, just being nice or helpful.  There may be something in the course of friendly conversation that opens a door for you to simply mention what you do.  They may mention  what they do,  they  may be electrician and you may need an electrician in your contacts.
When you take this approach you end up choosing who you want to introduce to your business and who you don’t. No pressure just making friends.

I remember when I allowed fear to consume me from talking to people because all I had on my mind was how I wanted to “get them in my business”. I was addicted to the result and it most likely showed. That approach usually produces the result – nothing – and then you think the result confirms that you cannot prospect. It is your mindset and approach that needs to shift. You like helping people that is why you are in this business. When I figured out that if I simply got to know the prospect with some simple opening lines like:
“Hi, how are you, my name is Ed…What is your name?  Joe/Sue, great to meet you.  How long have you been coming to this place or are you from around here?”
These simple conversations WILL lead to you determining if you want to exchange information with this person or not.
You may decide that this person does not have the qualities that you would like to have on your team. They may not have the drive or desire for anything different than what they currently are doing. That is fine. Maybe you will choose to keep them in your contacts because you really do need an electrician. Maybe you choose not to go any further with the relationship other than a friendly conversation. Check yourself – did you break any bones?
Now that you fully understand you can’t break a leg, arm or let alone a finger in your body simply by having conversations with people now it’s time to create the mindset that YOU are in full control of who you want to “allow” to see your business. In the meantime, engage in friendly conversations and just enjoy the process.
When you take this position in your mind you’ll be able to think clearly while engaged in a conversation and be able to “listen” more carefully for triggers.  Those triggers are what your prospect wants that they don’t have.  They may talk about needs or desires which can lead to some of the pain they are experiencing based on their current situation.  Simply by listening you may be the answer to something they are looking for. If and when the opportunity occurs you will simply offer a potential solution. Your conversation will just be natural.
Unless you are stuck somewhere for hours with this person it would be most likely not the time to go directly into your product line, compensation plan, etc. I am suggesting that you make a decision if this person may be someone that you would consider a good fit for your business. If they are and you don’t have much time or they are in a hurry, simple say,
“ I’d love to continue this conversation, I’m so glad I met you. Here’s my number, what’s yours? I’d like to follow up and so we can reconnect.”
Simple conversations without talking about the deep details of your business ends up building the foundation for further conversation about your business at a later time. This approach is a great way to overcome the fear of prospecting. Relationships start with one conversation but they are not built in one conversation.
You’re feelings won’t get hurt in fact your confidence will soar and you’ll talk with more people. You will learn to enjoy the process. This mindset tip helps to increase the amount of people that you show the business to.  You can overcome the fear of prospecting and grow your business immediately as long as you break the shackles in your mind. You will not break a bone by engaging people in conversation; you will only make friend and maybe a new team member.
Watch this video, Overcome The Fear Of Prospecting:
This tip network marketing tip, overcome the fear of prospecting is another strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this tip, overcome the fear of prospecting with your entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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