Monday, August 3, 2015

Leverage The Power Of Your Team

Network Marketing Tip – Leverage The Power Of Your Team

Whether you just enrolled into your new network marketing business or if you’ve been a representative for a while use this tip – leverage the power of your team. This leveraging power will come in handy, here’s why.
My mentor always told me if you want to be successful in the MLM industry you have to understand that you are in business for yourself BUT by no means are you in business by yourself.  There is a big difference.
If you opened a traditional business it’s all on you. Sales, marketing, hiring employees, purchasing and managing inventory just to name a few tasks that fall in your responsibility. Running your overall business just to get a customer in the door can be overwhelming and exhausting. Not to mention expensive.   Then there is the cost of the learning curve because some of these things may not be your expertise which could lead to your business failing.  Most start up businesses fail within their first 3-5 years.
You can take almost all of those tasks off the list of owning a business by choosing networking marketing as your business structure. In Network Marketing (sometimes called Direct Sales or MLM) you will have an instant team of people to help you and the best part is that you do not pay them directly. The good news about the network marketing industry is that your up line gets paid when you enroll new team member by the company not by you. Since this is the case, you can put them to work without having to pay them. So instead of getting employees you get partners. You are one of the team members and you will have your part. The partners do not get paid until they help you be successful. You just have to follow the system already set up by the company.
They key is to leverage the power of your team. You do this many ways. One is to make a list of people you want to introduce to your business. Your up line team members will help you as you go through the process of setting up appointments with your contacts so that they can learn more about what you are doing. At the appointment you set, your up line can be there with you in person or on the phone as you present to your prospect.
DO NOT show your company presentation alone.  For at least your first 10 if not 20 prospects your up line should be with you. Listen carefully as to what they say and how they say it that brings your prospect on board. Leverage the power of your team by allowing your up line to be there to answer questions from prospect, this teamwork effort is a powerful technique used to enroll new prospects onto your team.  The best part is that your knowledge of the business and even the product/service may be next to nothing but yet you can still enroll someone by using your up line.  You will learn and make money as you grow instead of the traditional business lose money lose money until you learn enough to maybe make money.

Remember, they get paid when you enroll your prospects so put them to work and learn from their expertise. Your up line will have the answers to your prospects questions, they can handle the objections your prospects give at the end of the presentation and when your prospect decides to enroll, it’s a win, win for your prospect, you and your up line.
By submitting to the process in the beginning regardless of your prior experience you will build a team where everyone who enrolls plugs right in and learns how to leverage the power of your team.  The end result is that you can put your up line “to work” because they will invest time with you. Of course, you have to work too by setting up good quality appointments to show your business.  It is a team effort and you are part of the team and have your part. Your up line will invest as much time as it takes to work with you and develop more people on the team from your contacts. They will continue until either you or someone on your team becomes the next leader to continue the process of handling questions and overcoming objections that lead to enrolling new team members.
So why not put your up line “to work” in the beginning since they are earning an income from your efforts?  It is the ultimate business set up when you leverage the power of your team.  The power of duplication leads to growing a big team that can lead you from a part time income to a full time income.

Watch this video, Leverage The Power Of Your Team:

This tip network marketing tip, leverage the power of your team is another strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this tip, leverage the power of your team with your entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

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