Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Your Prospect Says They Heard About It Already

Network Marketing Tip – Your Prospect Says They Heard About It Already

As the company you represent becomes more established and sweeps across the country and then around the world, there is a good chance your
prospects say they heard about it already. Maybe they have even been presented the opportunity before. Here are some great tips to get your prospect to look at the business again.
It should fire you up when your prospect says they heard about it already because the first thing you should say is…
“Excellent, what was it you liked best about what you saw?”
Most likely the prospect does not recall all the details maybe even inaccurate information. If it was a while ago most likely things have changed with the company. Typically the prospect’s response is something nice they recall and then they say “but it wasn’t for me”.
This is what I say immediately…
“What specific part about the business wasn’t for you”?
This usually brings to my attention that they weren’t presented the business properly or possibly a change has occurred in the company. When your prospect says they heard about it already it makes it easier to enroll them as part of your team. You are positioned more professionally, there is familiarity and you already know their position. That puts you in a situation to be strong and confident as you handle their objections and questions.
Once you find out how long ago they were approached and especially if it’s been some time ago you should even get more excited because you are about to enroll a new team member!  My wife and I address their concern by simply stating the facts, which are…
“There is a big difference from when you were introduced to the business then right now”
If there was something negative going on with the company back then due to the companies learning curve, it really is no big deal because the company worked thru it. You can explain that and tell them the great news is they get to work with you and become part of a strong team. Tell your prospect how committed you are and where you are going. 
Share where you are going with the business that you are building a big team, be vulnerable by sharing why you are building the business.  Create a clear vision of what the team will look like and how they can be part of something big.
When your prospect says they heard about it already it could mean the other person didn’t follow up or by using the drip follow up process. The drip process is when you stay in touch with your prospect by keeping them up to date with what’s going on with your business.  It’s possible they are still in the same position they were when the opportunity was presented to them and they see you are having success.
The previous representative may not have found what needs, wants, pains and desires this prospect had in their life at the time.  Quite simply it could be that the person wasn’t ready to say yes. You can say to them…
“Because situations change in peoples’ lives and I do not know what information was provided the last time you heard about my company, but I did think enough about you and what the company offers now I really do believe it could solve the problem you are facing in your life now. I would appreciate just a little bit of your time to share exactly where this opportunity could help you with ____________ (fill in what their needs, wants, pains or desires are).
Keep in mind when your prospect says they heard about it already doesn’t mean that they are a NO a 2nd time.  It could be the other person didn’t handle their questions or objections properly or were weak when showing the plan.  Your company could have updated their compensation plan to make the opportunity even more attractive than ever.  Your company could have received some industry rewards, new powerful testimonials as well. Get to the root as to why they didn’t enroll. Make sure you include any changes to the company or new information.
You should get very excited when your prospect says they heard about it already because they might be ready this time! Make sure to uncover their wants, needs, pains and desires and answer their questions. Get ready there is a good chance you could be enrolling a new team member when your prospect says they heard about it already.

Watch this video: Your Prospect Says They Heard About It Already:

This tip network marketing tip when your prospect says they heard about it already is strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this topic when your prospect says they heard about it already with your entire team.

Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

YouTube Video on the topic “when your prospect says they heard about it already”.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Why A Positive Mindset Is Key To Your Success

Network Marketing Tip – Why A Positive Mindset Is Your Key To Success

Everything starts with you.  It takes just as much energy to be negative as it does to be positive. Positive energy is the best option to happiness. This isWhy-A-Positive-Mindset-Is-Your-Key-To-Success why a positive mindset is your key to success.  A positive mindset breathes confidence, determination and tenacity which are all great attributes.  Being positive has the effect of attracting people into your life who simply want to be part of what you are doing.
You become a healthier person which is why a positive mindset is your key to success to everything you in your left. You see, success and sickness can’t be in the same sentence or even in the same room together. Thinking bad thoughts can bread an unhealthy life.  Sickness and disease fester within your body like a raging bull when you are in a mindset of doom and gloom.  That ends right here, right now.
You have a choice to make.  You must change your mind to think positive all day throughout the day and you’ll change your life.  All it takes is a decision. Stop watching, reading or listening to the negative news that is easily accessible.  Replace that time with motivational and inspirational material for the next 30 days then you will understand the full impact of what I am telling you. You will get why a positive mindset is your key to success.
It is really a simply assignment -replace the time you spend now on things you know are a complete waste of your time with positive information and you’ll see why a positive mindset is your key to success.  The foundation of your success starts in your mind.  Then followed up by decisions plus actions will equal the results you want. Will you do it?
You must stay focused and not allow negative comments to bring you down.  Just say to yourself when you hear people around you being negative that your mind is so powerful that negative information can’t penetrate into my mindset. Even if you cannot walk away from them you can have a mindset that is strong!  Today can be the day you change your life by having the right mindset.
Think back in your life to all the times you were negative and/or around negative people. How it made you feel later?  It was like doom and gloom draining you of your energy. Sometimes it can take days to recover.  That situation can get you off the success path. If it keeps happening you will lose your way and time ticks quickly. This is why a positive mindset is your key to success.  The foundation you can build right here, right now can serve you well the rest of your life.  All it takes is the decision to do so.
Think of your future what you can become – dream big! Imagine becoming the leader of your team by having this positive mindset.  Those team members around you will catch on and then everyone on your team will achieve more. This is why a positive mindset is key to your success and those on your team. Don’t allow anyone negative to bring you down to their level.  This is your time to break free and build your mind upon a solid foundation and watch how every aspect of your life will increase. Now get started!

Watch this video Why A Positive Mindset Is Your Key To Success:

This tip network marketing and personal development tip, why a positive mindset is your key to success is a mindset strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this topic of why a positive mindset is your key to success with your entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

YouTube Video on the topic “why a positive mindset is key to your success”.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Exercise Your Mind Daily

Network Marketing Tip – Exercise Your Mind Daily

When I talk about exercising your mind daily since I believe you already have taken steps to have the right mindset so let’s move forward from thatExercise-Your-Mind-Daily point as to why this is critical in your business.
We all know the importance of physical exercise.  Why that is important, is ingrained into our society.  Maybe you already have a routine of physical exercise and understand the benefit of that habit.  Whether you have or have not developed the habit of daily physical exercise yet you at least understand why it is important.   Your mind is a muscle so you must use it and stretch it so it grows.  Fill it with positive material and it will cause you to think in a way that keeps your body healthy. The results are not a muscle you can see from the outside but something you feel on the inside and you can have immediate results. So get started!
There are many ways to exercise your mind daily and I will cover just a few.  First, schedule some time each day to read something positive, motivational and inspirational.  Select a book and read a chapter each day. There are many inspiration books available from spiritual like the Bible to motivational like one of my favorites, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Start with something. If you need a recommendation ask your upline, team member or mentor, you could even contact me for a suggestion. I’m always here to help!
Next, you should create a habit of learning something new about your business. I would suggest setting aside some time at the minimum once a week  Read, listen and watch training or information materials that will advance you in your business.  Absorb all you can about your industry, company and products so that you become an expert. Look for those in your industry that have succeeded and research how they reached their success.
In addition, I believe it’s important to dream build.  Write down what you want in your life both materialistic items and who you want to become as a person. I’ve said it before we all have the same 24 hours in a day.  We all have 96 segments in a day that are in 15 minute increments.  Imagine how powerful your day would be if you woke up just 15 minutes earlier than you do now and added into your regular routine a way to exercise your mind by thinking about what you want to become, visualizing what it would look like. How do you think that would make you feel? Don’t you think that would set your tone in a positive way for the day?
You would be unstoppable! You would be more focused and organized as you go about your day.  When you exercise your mind you will have direction. That daily habit will set your mind to think about those things in the future and drives you internally you to do those things you need to reach your goals automatically. You acquire the power to succeed.   It takes just as much energy to be negative as it does to be positive so why not choose to be positive.  Your brain will grow and stretch, and then you find that being negative becomes difficult. Being positive becomes natural.
I’m not saying you will never be negative again.  I’m saying it will be harder to be negative and if you are negative you don’t stay negative for long. You will also be more aware of those around you in your life that seep negativity. You may see your old self in them. It will inspire you to not go back to that way of thinking. With the new you, positive people will be attracted into your business simply by your positive mindset.  You will have more clarity and focus.  Being positive just feels great!
My wife and I dream build from time to time.  Sometimes it is a purposeful planned dream building time other times it happens spontaneous. Right before we go to bed is a good time for us. It works real well if after we had a long hard day. Dream building reminds us why we are doing what we do. We talk about the future, visualize what we are wanting from life and together we focus on what we want for our business, family and our lives together. We talk about how far we have come on our journey.  It is powerful when you exercise your mind daily and if you have a spouse to dream build together it brings your relationship closer.
If you don’t currently have someone to dream build with then get with a like minded team member and exercise your mind daily.  It could be a morning accountability call with each other. Until you find someone you could even record yourself dream building and play it back as you need to this will keep you focused. Hearing yourself be positive, well that’s a positive exercise!
Make this an important part of your daily routine and watch how your business will grow.  Remember you must already have the right mindset about your business, add in this exercise your mind daily routine and watch out, you’ll be on fire!

Watch this video Exercise Your Mind Daily:

This tip network marketing and personal development tip, exercise your mind daily is a mindset strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this topic of exercise your mind daily with your entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

YouTube Video on the topic “exercise your mind daily”.

Friday, August 7, 2015

How To Get Your Family Members Support In Your Business

Network Marketing Tip – How To Get Your Family Members Support In Your Business

How to get your family members support in your business may not be as difficult as you may think. You may have a spouse, children, parents or evenHow-To-Get-Your-Family-Members-Support-In-Your-Business siblings that don’t support you in your business and you simply do not know what to do. Here are several ways to win their support.
First, understand they may not know as much as you about the opportunity. Share with them what you are looking to receive from the business long term.  Tell them that with the extra money you earn you will…(fill in the blank here).  Maybe you could be pay down bills, get a more reliable car, start putting money away for a child’s college education and maybe go on vacation. Let them know up front what they can realistically expect and when. It is better to down play a little, imagine the excitement when you exceed their expectations!
When you learn how to get your family members support in your business sometimes they get involved with you and start building with you. You should include them.  I remember when I first started I began with making goals and a bucket list. The bucket list was things that I wanted to do in my life, be able to acquire or places I wanted to visit. Then I asked my wife if she would share some of her goals and add to the bucket list.  She had hers and I had mine. We involved the kids to create some family bucket list items. Your bucket list will change we now have 5 children and 1 grandson and our bucket list looks different than when we started. Just get started with dreaming together.
Our kids wanted to go on a cruise, Disney World, fun and exciting places like most children.  We were able to get the kids support by including them on the dream building session; we talked about where we wanted to go as a family.  This instantly had the kids giving us space for us to do our presentations back in the day and they played in their rooms quietly without disrupting mom and dad or were willing to have a babysitter if we had to attend events. That was there part in working together as a team.
My wife was very eager to support anything new I wanted to become involved in. Our marriage added the dimension of business partners. There was a learning curve on balancing time in our business and spending quality family time. This was ever changing and adjustments were needed from time to time. When everyone understood they were going to receive a benefit to building the business there wasn’t any more tension about investing time in it. We were united.
There has to be give and take with your family members. Flat out ask them what is it you need to do to win their support, with that question they may say, “I support you”. For some it may not come that easy. If they say they support you and you feel maybe they really don’t then you can be truthful and say I get the feeling that you don’t support me and explain why.  Sometimes that opens up communication to the point where they now become conscious that they are visibly showing signs they disapprove and won’t do that any longer.
Map out a plan on the time that you will spend on the business, if they will help and how they can help, stay in communication. Share calendars and make sure they are aware of meetings or events. This is important with children so that their events are also recorded.  Letting them know they matter and that this is for all the families benefit can be key to getting their support. If you get real busy or have to miss something you wish you could have gone to then plan a surprise. It does not have to cost much it is your time and thoughtfulness that will keep peace which will allow you the time to focus on the business clearly and with support. We now do something once every quarter. There was a time when the kids got older my wife and I would get away from the business by ourselves for a few days which is also very important in building a family team. These special times renewed our energies and rewarded everyone for their efforts.
As you become a leader in your team you can also plan family team meetings or training sessions. We still do these types of meetings along with the adult type only meetings.
Once you get your family’s support share your story with your team.  You’ll be surprised how many more team members are having the same challenges as you.  This can break your team free so that they can get the additional support from their family that they desperately need. Most people who do this business are not all alone they have families, this business is about relationships. Your spouse, significant other, parents and children are important relationships that can grow together through business ownership. If they are willing to help share with them some areas you could use their help. Lean on each other’s gifts and talents. Maybe you can ask them to help with specific tasks that you know they would be good at.
When your family is on board building the business comes so much easier as the pressure is relieved and you can focus on building business connections and learning the business.  Do whatever it takes including these strategies to win your family’s support and you’ll be so much happier sharing the dream you are building with those who mean the most to you.

Watch this video on How To Get Your Family Members Support In Your Business:

This tip network marketing tip on how to get your family members support in your business is a mindset strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this topic on how to get your family members support in your business with your entire team.

 Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

YouTube Video on the topic “how to get your family members support in your business”.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Can You Really Succeed In Network Marketing

Network Marketing Tip – Can You Really Succeed In Network Marketing

Can you really succeed in network marketing is a question that can be taken from both the customer and team member’s perspective. From the teamCan-You-Really-Succeed-In-Network-Marketing members perspective what they are really asking is have you been enrolling team members and building your residual income.  From the customer perspective they are asking if the product that you offer is easy to sell and are you making money. The answer is without a doubt and with the highest amount of certainty to both perspectives is, YES. The success for both perspectives comes down to the answer.
You could be with a company that is rock solid financially with incredible leadership, has the best paying compensation plan along with the most amazing products but at the end of the day it’s all on you and your ability to develop relationships.
The industry of network marketing (also known as Direct Sales) is all about relationships.  Do you have any relationships with people?  The answer is yes.  Do you establish new relationships from time to time as you go about your day/week/month? The answer is yes.
Ask yourself if you ever had or have a best friend right now.  I always get an answer YES.  In the beginning wasn’t that best friend a stranger?  Of course, the relationship took time to cultivate.  When I met my wife over 20+ years ago it started out at a network marketing meeting. We were from the start like minded.  We then spoke on the phone after the business meeting, started doing business together then it moved from business to personal to dating to marriage to having a family together. To this day we are business partners, we work together hand in hand on a daily basis.  .
Not only did that relationship turn out to be pretty awesome, many others over the years have become best friends and business partners.  You too can develop meaningful relationships.  My wife and I believe we can help more people than ever, working together using our gifts and talents to assist people to be successful in network marketing because we know how to build relationships and teach people to do the same.
The key is to allow time for relationships to grow. Some relationships take more time than others.  Without this desire it makes it harder to succeed in network marketing. Network Marketing is about needing each other.  Always remember this; you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person. Some people are just ready to get started because they are looking, searching for something that can change their course in live and put them on the path to become successful.
So, can you really succeed in network marketing? Only if you are willing to be patient in cultivating relationships so you can learn people’s needs, wants, pains and desires.  Without learning more about your prospect it will be hard to offer them your product/service or make the decision to ask them to join your team. You want to build a team that will stick together, understanding your key team members will create success for everyone.
Nothing that lasts is ever built in a day. You must have the mindset to build your business over the next 2 to 5 years.  Now is the best time ever for the industry of network marketing!  You can start building new relationships in person and with social media. Social media is so dominate in our society you can start relationships with new people virtually all over the world simply by opening up conversations to learn more about them. Now, ask yourself can you really succeed in network marketing taking this approach and you will come up with the answer yes.  Explain this to your team members who come on board and get their commitment to build their business over the next 2 to 5 years so they can succeed as well.

Watch this video, Can You Really Succeed In Network Marketing:

This tip network marketing tip on the topic can you really succeed in network marketing is a mindset strategy to help you stay in the business long term. Send me an email at ed@edzimbardi.com and ask me any questions on how to execute this tip.
Did This Assist You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you comment below and if you find value then share this topic, can you really succeed in network marketing with your entire team.
Ed Zimbardi’s Network Marketing Blog
Skype: edzimbardi
Email: ed@edzimbardi.com

P.S. Want help prospecting, head on over to my “Work With Ed” page and reach out to me.

YouTube Video on the topic “can you really succeed in network marketing.