Network Marketing Prospecting Tip – Love your phone. Turn your phone into your best friend. Actually, it already is making the list. Studies have shown that we spend more time looking at our phone than you do our partner/spouse. Sounds bad but maybe not, that depends on what you are doing with the time looking at you phone. Your phone provides you a way to connect both personally and professionally in many ways, by talking, texting, emailing, messaging, twitting – you get it, a lot of ways! You can also conduct research, find your way around town, get the latest news and schedule your day for just a few more examples of the power of a smartphone. The phone is also a powerful tool for Network Marketing prospecting. Network Marketing, is also called MLM or Direct Sales.
At first phones were made for us to talk to one another, so why is it so hard to have the conversations that prospect, contact, invite and follow up? From personal experience I know it’s hard to get your confidence up to pick up the phone and make the calls that you know you need to make. Whether it’s the initial sales call or follow up after a presentation, it is easy to avoid. Using the phone to prospect, contact, invite and follow up use to be so heavy for me, it felt like picking up a 1,000 lbs, just painful. The pain I went through when I had to make a call was terrible I looked for every excuse in the book I could find to not do it. I didn’t want to sound like a script and I feared not being able to answer their question professionally. I was uncomfortable so I stayed clear of that feeling.
One day it hit me like a ton of bricks. My mind shifted when I understood that actors and actresses all read their scripts over and over, they role played until they were confident in their presentation, then and only then they would perform. That’s when they felt great and did their best! I’m not saying put on an act, what I’m saying is practice what you are going to say – role play. You’ve role played your entire life to get to your best. You role played when you were in school getting ready to speak in front of the class, you role played before you went in for a job interview, you role played what you would tell your parents when you were late, you role play all the time!
So grab a partner, could be someone else in your business or sales organization, doesn’t matter just start role playing. Have your role playing partner start with the easy questions first, ask them to toss softballs at you nice and slow so you can handle the objections and questions. As your confidence grows go for the fastballs! When it doesn’t sound like you are reading a script and you are more confident you are ready to get in the game and make those sales and follow up calls.
You can break free of the pain the phone causes you. Make the phone one of your best friends. It will surely be your secret weapon for Network Marketing Prospecting!
Use this tip and role play, then reach out to me at and let me know how much you now love your new best friend, the phone.
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